Houlton, Maine

Questions That Need To Be Answered About Your Facebook Page!

Questions That Need To Be Answered About Your Facebook Page!

Many people get hung up on how many likes they have on their Facebook Fanpage and forget what is important.  I have fell in this trap as well.  I was always told you needed a whole bunch of fans in order for people to take me serious.  That is so not true. Here are 9 questions you should answer regarding your Facebook Fanpage.
  1. What value can I add?
  2. How is my Page or brand unique?
  3. What can I write that people will want to read and share?
  4. How can I be interesting?
  5. Why should someone want to Like my Page?
  6. Once I get the Fans, what will I do with them?
  7. How will a Facebook audience be good for my business?
  8. How will a Facebook audience lead to revenue?
  9. How will my Page reflect my brand’s values?
If you shift your focus away from how many fans you have a better chance to be successful.  You really need to lead with value and provide a product or service that will solve a problem. 10-FB-Tips-INFOGRAPHIC If this was helpful, please leave a comment and share this article. To Your Success, Anita Levesque http://facebook.com/anitawaltonlevesque 207-619-0307

PS. If you would like to be coached on building your brand and business on Social Media, click here to review the package

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