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29 Tips On Building Your Facebook Page The Right Way (Part 2)

29 Tips On Building Your Facebook Page The Right Way (Part 2)

Today I am going to give you the last 15 tips on getting your Facebook Business Page up and running the proper way.  Lets dive right in.

Here is the last of the check list:

15. Allow Fans To Message You:  This allows fans to message you privately.  They may have questions about your business, your opportunity or a training you are advertising.  Not all fans want to ask publicly.  Go under settings and scroll down until you see messages. 12-4-2013 6-16-02 AM 16. Update Your Favorite Likes: Your likes that are displayed on your page are usually random.  You can adjust these in your back office as well.  Display likes that can act as a resource to your fans. 12-4-2013 6-29-05 AM   17. Share Diverse Content: You want to keep things interesting so just don't share updates and links, also share videos, other people's content and ask questions. I know the question feature is gone but you can still ask on your post. 18. Share Photos: Photos generate a lot of engagement.  Photos that just contain text has amazing results.  When you share photos, it takes up more space in the newsfeed, it is eye catching and you will increase your engagement. 19.  Be Brief: Write brief posts.  Facebook is a social platform and your fans are still looking for interested things to comment and share.  Most likely, they will not read a long post.  The most successful posts has less than 80 characters. 20. Prompt A Response:  Don't just write a post telling someone you read an article.  Tell people you read this article, it was great, what do you think? Like it? Love it? Do it? Or should I like it?  You have to encourage the response as most people do not know what to do.  When you ask for the comment, like, share you are more likely get the desired action. 7117377733_65f54570a3_z   21. Tag Other Pages:  A good way to build your network is by building relationships with other brands. One way to push this along is by starting conversations with these brands or sharing their content with your fans.  Make sure you tag @ the source.  You may have to like the page before you tag it. 22. Highlight and Pin To The Top: According to Jon, "One complaint about Facebook marketing is that you’ll create a post that only 16% of your fans will see and then it is quickly buried on your Timeline. One solution to this is “pinning” content to the top of your Page. You can force any post you’ve created to appear at the top for up to seven days. Additionally, if you have a great image or other post that you want to emphasize, you can “Highlight” it and force it to stretch across the two columns of your Timeline. This is also a good strategy for shaking up the look and feel of your Timeline so that it isn’t a bunch of boring, one column boxes." 23. Create Milestones: Use Milestones to tell your story.  This is a great way to let people know where you are in your business.  You can talk about when you first got started, maybe your struggles and how you overcame them, your first dollar made or you first lead.  This is a great way for people to know about your brand. 24. Schedule Posts: Scheduling posts goes great with Facebook Insights.  By reviewing your insights, it tells you which times are the best for your fans to post.  If you have fans from around the globe, you will not be up to post times that are convienent for them.  You can schedule your post right on your Business Page by clicking on the clock icon.  Some people use Hootsuite and Social Oomph to schedule their posts. 12-4-2013 6-54-23 AM   25. Target By Region:  I have never done this but you can target your posts to reach fans in different time zones without annoying your fans in your time zone.  So now you can post your main content at 9am EST and do the same post but target a country, state, or cities in the middle of the night when those people are up. Screen Shot 2013-12-04 at 9.29.08 AM   26. Run Facebook Ads To Increase Engagement:  If you are not getting any engagement on your page, you really need run Facebook Ads to extend your reach. You can run promoted posts for only $2 to $5 a day, depending on your budget. 27. Run Facebook Ads To Increase Likes:  If you are not generating fans quick enough for your taste, you can run promoted posts and sponsored stories that target non-fans.  You can focus on with specific interests like dogs (depending on your niche) or people who are friends of your current fans. 28. Run A Contest: If you want some Buzz on your Page, run a contest.  If done properly, people are going to have to engage with your page, by sharing, tweeting, like etc.   When people are engaging then the story is created and their friends will see it.  To run a contest you have to use a 3rd party app.  Some people use Woobox, some use Shortstack and others use Heyo or Fanpage Engine. 29. Create A Facebook Offer:  If you are selling a product or have a free giveaway, you can promote it with an offer.  Make it a irresistable offer so it will be shared amongst your fans. If your product leads with value, you will increase your audience. I hope this post was helpful.  If you know someone that could use this information, make sure you share this article with them as well as write a comment below. To Your Success Anita Levesque 206-619-0307

PS. If you would like to be coached on building your brand and business on Facebook, click here to review the packages.

10 thoughts on “29 Tips On Building Your Facebook Page The Right Way (Part 2)

  1. Hi Anita!

    Love today’s continuation content! Facebook ads are a great way to really get the engagement going as well as send traffic to your offer. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks for these awesome tips Anita! Anyone in business really needs to use the power of Facebook and you make it so easy to take some simple actions to implement immediately!

    1. I am glad they were helpful. Those tips are actually the tip of the iceberg. There is so much you can do with Facebook but sometimes people have a hard time as Facebook keeps changing their features. Thanks for stopping by. Anita

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